Activities (Act-Out)

Welcome to the Activities page! Here you will find all of the activities you need to do for each chapter.

actout-communityCOMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. This is the place where we encounter initiatives to improve both our local and global communities. Our outreach ministries promote better stewardship and Christian advocacies. Participating in community activities will also open our eyes to the richness of other cultures. It will also make us aware of our responsibility to other people, especially the poor and the needy.


actout-church-activitiesCHURCH ACTIVITIES. This is the spot where you can join your fellow kids, t(w)eens and parents in building the Church. How? Maybe, you can sing and so, the choir could make use of your talent. Participating in the Church Activities makes us aware of our connectedness with Jesus’ altar at Presentation, (and for that matter, with the altars of other churches). We are rooted in Christ, and getting involved in the Church Activities deepens our Christian roots and foundation.


actout-family-activitiesFAMILY ACTIVITIES. This is the corner where we offer simple and fun ways of engaging the whole family. These activities promote closer family ties and provide an atmosphere of openness and trust among members in the family (and/or extended families). Through shared reflections and common teachings, camping, playing sports and other family projects, the whole family surely grow in deeper appreciation of each other and of God.


actout-self-activitiesACTIVITIES FOR THE SELF. Self-discovery is tough, and it may take a lifetime to discover and accept one’s self. Some activities geared towards self-improvement may go a long way towards making us better persons and better Christians. The activities here will help us develop some skill sets and reflective tools to deal with our growing, searching self. Games are fun. They perk up the spirit. They tickle the bones. They teach us to relax and take time out from the busyness of daily living. They help develop the self, and the self’s relation to God and the community. Games tap into a resource often forgotten by many – JOY. At FFF-Presentation, we make it a point to make games an integral part in the formation of the person.